Whether you’re investing in a home or building, it is important that you choose the right envelope engineering consultants to ensure the proper envelope design is set in place. This will help maximize the building’s durability, performance and comfort; furthermore, it will help save you money in the future by eliminating costly maintenance projects and fees. Choosing the right envelope engineer consultants is integral to the backbone of your home or building. Orata Engineering’s envelope engineer consultants will help optimize the value of your home for the present and future. Here are three reasons why you should choose Orata Engineering’s envelope engineering consultants for your next project:


Part of a building’s envelope design is built to protect it from damage that can be caused by severe weather conditions, extreme temperatures and any other threats to its structure. With the proper envelope design in place, a building or home will last much longer. Choosing the right envelope engineering consultants like Orata Engineering ensures that your home or building’s envelope is designed with the highest standards that extend far beyond building the required codes and compliances.


Another function of the envelope design is to control the transferal of energy between the inside and outside of the structure. Choosing the right envelope engineering consultants is important to the overall performance of your home or building because it allows for a more efficient and effective transferal of energy. Orata Engineering’s envelope engineers ensure that the right envelope design is in place to properly manage air flow. This means that the inside will be able to reach and control the preferred temperature much easier while simultaneously using less energy.


A building’s envelope should function to create value in both the present and future. Choosing the right envelope engineering consultants ensures that an envelope design is created to minimize future maintenance costs and lower energy consumption costs. With the correct envelope structure in place, your home or building will save big on utilities as it will be able to more effectively manage temperature and airflow.

If you would like to learn more about Orata Engineering and its full selection of services including envelope engineering, envelope design, drainage plans, building materials or HVAC, please contact us at 403-512-6065 or by visiting our website. As Calgary’s premier envelope engineers, we are happy to answer all of your questions.