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Orata’s Forensic Engineering team has performed hundreds of Fire Investigations throughout Canada and the United States. We specialize in the dual capacities of Certified Fire Investigators and Qualified Electrical Experts.

Fire Origin

Fire is the most expensive cause of property damage claims. The fragile nature of fire damaged items presents challenges in the preservation of evidence and security of fire scenes. Hiring experienced and qualified Forensic Experts is essential for successful investigations. Orata’s Forensic team meets and exceeds the qualifications for professional Fire Investigation.

Expert Witness

The high costs of fire-related claims make it especially important to apply the highest level of diligence when choosing a professional investigator. Fire investigation is the most heavily regulated area of Forensic Engineering, with standards, guidelines, and certifications all specifically focused on Fire Investigator qualifications and practices. Additional qualifications are required to do detailed analysis in other areas that may develop in the course of a fire investigation. For instance, electronic components/devices and lithium-ion batteries are becoming increasingly present in all areas of fire investigation. Detailed analysis of electronic/electrical aspects of any investigation requires appropriate education and experience. Orata’s Forensic team maintains the necessary education, certification and experience to qualify as an expert witness in a court of law.

Combined Backgrounds

This was the driving force behind Orata Engineering’s focus on assembling a team of Professional Engineers with combined backgrounds in Electrical and Electronics, and Fire Science post-graduate studies, with hands-on experience in both fields. Orata’s experts can provide all levels of Fire Investigation from securing the incident location to a detailed analysis of electrical/ electronic factors (wiring, code compliance, design, manufacturing, etc.) for confirming or denying their possible roles in the causation of the incident.

How to Avoid 


in a 

Forensic Investigation

The addition of forensic experts late to an investigation can create 2 costly risks.

1. Time delay and billings associated with reviewing the file to allow the expert to analyze the evidence for potential causation of the incident.

2. Loss of evidence when the incident scene has been significantly changed by the investigation to date, or when it is no longer available for examination. Specialized experts will often have concerns that can be addressed during the initial stages of an investigation, but risk being overlooked by investigators with different backgrounds.

Certified, Qualified & Experienced

Orata’s Forensic Team has experience in various types of fire investigations including:

  • Structural (residential, commercial, industrial)
  • Vehicle (gas auto, hybrid, diesel, tractor trailer) (Ford, Jeep, Freightliner, Volvo, Daimler)
  • Heavy equipment (combine, tractors, landfill compactors, skid steers mulchers, bobcats) (Case, International, John Deere, CAT, New Holland)
  • Lithium-Ion batteries
  • Oil and gas (production facilities, pipelines, and refineries)
  • Wildland fire
  • Various electronic devices (computers, phones, tablets, kitchen appliances, class 2 transformers)
  • Various electrical products (wires & cabling, grounding, insulators, transformers, switchgear, gensets)

hire a fire origin & cause investigator

If you would like to work with Orata, please submit your assignment belowAs Calgary’s premier Forensic Engineering group, we are here to empower you with expert advice!


If you are an insurance company or legal department in need of in-house learning on Forensic Engineering, we now offer three Accredited Forensic Presentations!

Contact us today at (403) 764-0055 or email us a request at