Building Envelope Visual Assessments (BEVA)

Wondering what a visual assessment of your building entails? As of June 2016, the City of Calgary requires the exterior of buildings to be assessed every five years, and that all buildings greater than five storeys or older than ten years be inspected as well.

To help give property owners a better idea of what these kinds of inspections entail, we’ve compiled a list of areas typically assessed. See below:


Whether your roof is flat or sloped, vented or unvented, your roof assembly is a key area to watch for moisture and other causes of building failure. 

Flat Roofs

  • Gravel distribution (if applicable)
  • Membrane adhesion (sealing and attachment), holes, and blistering
  • Flashings of roof penetrations
  • Drainage path viability and checking for blockages

Sloped Roofs

  • Signs of water staining or pooling
  • Drainage paths
  • Attachment points of the roof (included shingle quality etc.)
  • Testing of anchor points

Exterior Cladding Assessment

  • Damage to cladding, including peeling paint, dents, missing pieces etc
  • Evidence of differential movement
  • Flashings
  • Water staining or pooling
  • Water penetration of vents or pipes

Window and Door Inspection 

  • Flashings
  • Sealant
  • Cracks or gaps between windows and doors and the flashing or cladding
  • Damage to the interior or exterior of the frame if the potential for further damage is high

HVAC Equipment and Hosing AsseSsment

  • Checking for signs of general deterioration
  • Membrane fastening
  • Flashing and counter clashing
  • Attachment of fans, caps, hatches and other equipment.

While this is not meant to be an exhaustive of list of all areas evaluated, exterior inspections are intended to help you guarantee the safety and integrity of your building.

If your property falls outside the mandated guidelines of the City of Calgary’s bylaw, contact us. Orata recommends regular evaluations for your benefit.

A closer look will often give you advanced notice of problems that are just starting to form, preventing the need for extensive (and costly) repairs down the line.

Contact an expert to learn more and book your inspection today!

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