Engineering BLOG

Envelope BlogForensic Blog
How to Choose the Right Forensic Engineer

How to Choose the Right Forensic Engineer

Choosing the right forensic engineering firm can be a difficult task as time and experience play an important role for homeowners, builders, and insurance providers alike. Working with a team of experienced engineers who have investigated multiple forensic cases can...

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What is Digital Terrain Modeling & Why is it Important?

What is Digital Terrain Modeling & Why is it Important?

One of the questions we get asked a lot at Orata Engineering has to do with digital terrain modeling. Many of us have heard of the term although not everyone is sure what it is and why it is important.  Digital terrain modeling plays a critical role in site planning,...

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Choosing the Right Envelope Engineering Consultants

Choosing the Right Envelope Engineering Consultants

Whether you’re investing in a home or building, it is important that you choose the right envelope engineering consultants to ensure the proper envelope design is set in place. This will help maximize the building’s durability, performance and...

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What is Envelope Engineering?

What is Envelope Engineering?

Orata Engineering is a full-service Calgary envelope engineering consultancy specializing in envelope design and envelope review services. Because our team is fully immersed in the world of envelope engineering, we often overlook the fact that...

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